- Apply for a chaperone licence
- Apply for a child employment permit
- Apply for a child performance licence
- Apply for a dropped kerb or vehicle access crossing
- Apply for a dropped kerb or vehicle access crossing constructed by Lincolnshire County Council
- Apply for a highways licence or permit
- Apply for a hoarding, scaffold, cherry picker, crane or skip licence
- Apply for a pavement café licence
- Apply for a petroleum storage certificate or licence
- Apply for a sea fishing overnight parking permit
- Apply for a seasonal coastal parking permit
- Apply for a young carer card
- Apply for brown tourism signs
- Apply for concessionary school transport
- Apply to become a licensed venue
- Apply to become a school governor
- Apply to help with snow clearing
- Apply to open Cross Keys swing bridge
- Apply to switch off or modify permanent traffic signals
- Asbestos booking
- Contact educational travel
- Give us feedback
- Good Citizens Awards nomination form
- Graduated approach briefings booking form
- Join a children's centre
- Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue farm data
- Lorry watch
- Make a highways claim
- Make a safeguarding referral
- Out of cohort admissions enquiry
- Pay for a replacement school bus or rail pass
- Pay for your ceremony
- Post 16 transport contribution
- Register an event that affects the highway
- Register interest in a family hubs programme
- Report misuse of a blue badge
- Request a temporary traffic regulation order
- Resident flooding survey
- Revised school application 2025
- Sickness returns
- Supply of highway specialist materials