Breaks for carers

If you care for someone, there may be times when you feel a break from your caring role may help. That may be something short term for an hour or a day, or sometimes something more planned like a holiday.

The types of break can include:

  • spending time doing something you enjoy
  • going to the gym or going out for a day or afternoon
  • visiting friends or family overnight or for a weekend

A wide range of information is available via Connect to Support which is a local directory of health and wellbeing services, support organisations, activities and groups. You can visit the Connect to Support Lincolnshire website here for more information about arranging a break from caring.

Sometimes you or the person you care for may feel your situation has changed and you would like to find out about other breaks that may be available. These may be something you can organise yourself, or in certain circumstances something Adult Social Care would assist with. It is important that you talk to the person you care for and that they are as involved as possible with any decisions that may affect them.

The Lincolnshire Carers Service will be able to discuss your circumstances and give you further advice. 


If you are arranging your own break or service, this would be charged to you directly by the service you choose.

We may charge for services we provide based on people’s ability to pay if they are eligible for support.

Contact the carers service

Telephone: 01522 782224