Book an offender course

NDORS terms and conditions

These terms and conditions relate to all National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme (NDORS) courses.

By accepting the opportunity to attend a course from the referring police force, you are entering into an agreement with Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) to abide by the following terms and conditions.

  1. You must check and carefully read all documentation sent to you. Contact Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) if you have not received your confirmation email. Clients attending an online digital Zoom course (not a classroom course at a venue), will be sent an additional email 48 hours prior to the course start time containing the Zoom meeting link and joining instructions.
  2. The course fee is payable by debit or credit card at the time of booking. Cash payments are only accepted by making a booking at the LRSP offices in Lincoln during normal office hours.
  3. All changes made by you to the date and time of a booking are subject to the police deadline for completion, availability and charges. You can access your booking to make changes or cancel. Information on fees and charges can be found at the end of this document.
  4. It is essential that identification can be made prior to entry to a course. If a piece of clothing inhibits this identification the trainer will ask the client to remove or adjust the garment to enable the identification to take place. A private space can be made available. If this is required, we will need prior notification via the ‘additional requirements’ section within your booking, along with any other essential information i.e. you request that the ID check be conducted by someone you feel comfortable with. 
  5. Disqualified drivers or riders are eligible to attend a NDORS course which is classroom or online based. If your driving licence has been suspended or revoked you cannot complete a course with an on-road element (SCD). If the issuing police force withdraw the conditional offer, LRSP will cancel your course place and issue a refund.
  6. For all courses you must bring a valid photocard driving licence or another acceptable form of photographic ID. Photocopies or photos on mobile devices will not be accepted. If you fail to produce the required documentation, you will not be admitted. Rebookings will be subject to the police deadline for completion, availability and charges (see charges and refunds below). Valid IDs are:
    • valid passport
    • expired passport (the photo must hold resemblance to your current appearance)
    • formal ID cards (armed forces, police, student union, company ID card)
    • tachograph card
    • local authority or taxi ID
    • blue badge (parking for people with disabilities)
    • firearm certificate or shotgun licence
    • voters ID
  7. Classroom courses, attendees must arrive 15 minutes before the start time to allow for registration. For classroom and online courses, late arrivals will not be admitted. If entry is refused, you must contact LRSP within 72 hours of the course end time. You may rebook with LRSP or another service provider, subject to the police deadline for completion, availability and charges (see charges and refunds below).
  8. Satisfactory completion of the course is dependent upon attendance throughout the duration of the course and making a full and positive contribution through active participation. Clients must demonstrate a responsible attitude towards safe driving or riding. LRSP retains the right for contracted trainers to follow procedure and where necessary, remove attendees from courses.
  9. Disruptive behaviour, wilful non-compliance or wilful misbehaviour is not acceptable. If you leave the course before it finishes, it will classify as a non-completion. You will receive a part refund (see charges and refunds). If you leave the course before it finishes due to extenuating circumstances, you must inform the trainer immediately. You must rebook your course within 72 hours of the course end time, subject to the police deadline for completion, availability and charges (see charges and refunds below).
  10. You must complete the course alone in a private room with adequate lighting, without disturbances or distractions.
  11. Children will not be admitted to the course (both classroom and online courses). You must ensure that childcare is arranged for the entire duration of the course. Clients will not be permitted to bring any adult guest (both classroom and online courses).
  12. In order to access and participate on an online course (not applicable to classroom courses held at a venue) you must have access to either a home PC, laptop, electronic tablet or smartphone. You must have internet access capable of streaming video and sound. Your choice of device must be fitted with a microphone and a camera, which must not be turned off. Online courses are delivered using the Zoom platform from your home (not at a LRSP venue). You must not take screenshots, photographs or recordings. Social media is actively monitored. If a data breach is discovered your course attendance will classify as a non-completion. You will receive a part refund (see charges and refunds) and your case will be referred back to the Police.
  13. Online course attendees only: please note, it is your responsibility to ensure that your device settings are correct and ready for your course. Failure to do so may result in you not successfully completing your course and you may incur a rebooking fee. Technical assistance is available prior to your course. Please refer to your booking confirmation email for technical advice. Zoom virtual backgrounds, including blurred backgrounds, must be turned off and not used. Your device should be set to do not disturb.
  14. If you are unable to attend due to illness or the death of an immediate relative, you will be required to book a new course within 72 hours and a pay a charge. If you provide a medical certificate or appropriate confirmation of a death within seven days, or at any other time agreed with LRSP, you will be refunded the charge (see charges and refunds below).
  15. If you fail to attend or do not successfully complete your course, LRSP will notify you either by phone or email asking you to call and rebook within 72 hours of the end time of your original course booking. If you do not contact LRSP within 72 hours a partial refund will be issued. All changes and rebookings are subject to the police deadline for completion, availability and charges (see charges and refunds below).
  16. Every effort will be made to accommodate any additional requirements providing you have informed us at the time of booking. If no such indication has been made, LRSP will not be held responsible for failing in the provision of any additional requirement. If you cannot attend the course as a result of this, a further course may be rearranged, subject to the police deadline for completion, availability and charges (see charges and refunds below).
  17. The course is provided in the English language. If you require the assistance of an interpreter to actively participate in the course:
    • we can provide a British Sign Language interpreter. If a BSL interpreter is required, you must request this at the time of booking. We will endeavour to provide one, however due to interpreter availability a change in course date may be necessary.
    • it is your responsibility to provide your own foreign language interpreter. You must notify us at the time of booking that you are bringing an interpreter and their name must be provided. We are unable to accept a booking without your interpreter’s name. They must be 16 or over and produce photo ID.
    • if the interpreter’s name is not recorded on the attendance register, you will not be admitted to the course. If you do not bring an interpreter and the trainer deems that your understanding and communication is not of a satisfactory level, you will not be entitled to complete a course on that date. A further course may be rearranged, subject to the police deadline for completion, availability and charges (see charges and refunds).
  18. Safe and considerate driving courses attendees only, mandatory eyesight checks will be conducted. If you fail the eyesight check, you will not be permitted to complete the course. A further course may be rearranged subject to the police deadline for completion, availability and charges. If you have concerns regarding your eyesight, please seek advice from an optician well in advance of your course.
  19. Any use of abusive or foul language towards LRSP staff, its contractors or course clients at any time, will result in your file being returned to your issuing police authority and no further courses will be offered from LRSP. You will receive a part refund (see charges and refunds). In addition, anyone using or threatening to use violence will be prosecuted.
  20. Classroom courses - weapons will not be permitted under any circumstances. This includes blades or any device which may be able to be construed as a weapon (for example work blades or screwdrivers).
  21. You must attend in a fit state to participate fully. Consumption of alcohol or any evidence of alcohol consumption or use of illicit drugs will result in your immediate removal from the course. You will receive a part refund (see Charges and refunds). No further courses will be offered by LRSP and your file will be returned to the issuing police authority.
  22. Please ensure you consider your own personal hygiene when attending a course. Please dress appropriately and ensure you are not attending a course in a state of undress. Classroom courses: dirty or muddy clothing or boots are not acceptable. You must bring your glasses or contact lenses with you if you need them. If attending a course with a practical driving element, please ensure you are wearing appropriate footwear.
  23. Classroom courses - in order to provide a safe and healthy environment for employees and contractors LRSP exercises Lincolnshire County Council's smoke-free policy. LRSP also has a responsibility to clients not wishing to be exposed to smoke or vapour. Smoking of any kind will not be permitted within the building, including e-cigarettes. Smoking or vaping will only be permitted in the designated smoking area. Online course attendees only: please refrain from smoking or vaping during your course delivery time.
  24. Use of mobile electronic devices will not be permitted in the training room and could lead to your dismissal from the course. Clients attending online courses must not use any electronic device except for the purpose of completing the course. Please also refer to point 11.
  25. In the event of LRSP being unable to deliver your course, we will reschedule the course as soon as possible subject to the police deadline for completion, availability and without additional charge. For courses held outside of office hours, you will be contacted the following working day.
  26. LRSP will retain all records relating to the preparation, operation and attendance of the NDORS course for 12 months from the completion of the course. They will be held in compliance with corporate retention and disposition schedules to abide by the time limits for actions provided in the Limitation Act 1980. After the expiration of the retention period, the records will be destroyed. Throughout the retention period and at the time of their destruction, all the records will be kept and managed in compliance with relevant UK statutory provisions. This includes the General Data Protection Regulations as well as all our corporate records management policies and procedures. Data retained is accessible to clients on request.
  27. If you have any queries, visit the LRSP web pages. If you are unable to make or manage a booking online, please call:
    • 01522 782068 for the National Speed Awareness Course
    • 01522 212314 for all other courses.

Charges and refunds

Details Fees and charges for courses from 1 March 2025
Cancellation or rearrangement of course more than 48 hours prior to course start time NSAC, WDU, NMAC, NRRAC - free of charge 
Cancellation of course within 48 hours of course start time, or failure to complete or not successfully attend and not rebook within 72 hours of course end time NSAC,WDU, NMAC, NRRAC - £55 refund
Re-arrangement of course within 48 hours of original course start time or 72 hours after course end time NSAC,WDU, NMAC, NRRAC - £43 charge
SCD only - re-arrangement of course more than 10 days before original course start time SCD only - free of charge
SCD only - re-arrangement of course within 10 days of original course start time SCD only - £100 charge
Failure to attend or complete the course but another course date is booked with LRSP within 72 hours £100 fee charged (SCD) £43 fee charged (NSAC, NMAC, WDU, NRRAC)
Failed to attend the course but new course date cannot be offered £55 refund for all courses
Failed to complete the course due to non-completion but new course date cannot or will not be offered £55 refund for all courses