Children's Health Service
We can help you by providing health advice and information about your baby, child or young person. To speak to a health professional in the team, please contact us on 01522 843000.
We work with midwives, GPs, social workers and other health professionals.
Our hours of work are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, excluding bank holidays, however if you leave a message out of hours we will contact you the following day.
The children's health team includes:
- Health visitors are qualified and registered nurses and/or midwives who can give advice to parents about their new baby. They will assess the needs of individuals and families to promote good health from pre-birth to the end of your child's first year at school.
- Family health workers - family health workers deliver packages of care recommended by your health visitor, relating to family health and wellbeing and child development, for example behaviour. They also complete health assessments for children in the community.
- Registered nurses support the health visitors to deliver some health assessments to children such as the 8 to 12 month and 2 to 2.5-year assessment. They will also deliver packages of care recommended by your health visitor, relating to family health and wellbeing and child development.
- Children and young people's nurses - the children and young people's nurses are qualified nurses with experience working with children and young people. They will continue to provide support up to the age of 19 (SEND 25) for those with long-term or more complex health needs and children with bladder or bowel conditions. For children with complex or specialist bladder and bowel conditions they will refer to the Specialist Continence Service.
- Student Health Visitors are registered nurses and/or midwives who are undertaking a specialist training programme to become Health Visitors. They always work under the supervision of a Health Visitor.
Consultation by video call
The Children’s Health Service have introduced the option of attending some appointments by video as of 1 November 2024. We aim to maximise opportunities through the use of technology to provide better quality services.
Your Health Professional may discuss the option to attend your follow up appointment by video consultation. Video consultations provide you with a better quality and more interactive appointment, where previously you may have received a telephone call.
Appointments by video consultations may be on the following:
- Support provided by the Children’s Health Team for, behaviour, sleep, toileting, eating and breast feeding.
- Children’s and Young People Nurse appointments for your child’s bladder and bowel conditions.
- Children’s Continence Nurse appointments for your child’s review of their medication and progress.
Any invite to have your appointment by video will not replace your face-to-face appointments, such as, the primary birth which will take place 10-14 days after you have had your baby, your child’s 6–8-week review, your child’s 8–12-month review and your review when your child is between 2 and 2 and a half years old.
You can visit our Facebook page for more information.
You can also view a selection of videos for further information.
Becoming a parent
Preparing to become parents often raises lots of questions around parental health, preparing for your baby and practical tips ready for when your baby arrives.
This section will support you to feel prepared and answer some of those vital questions you have.
You can find out more on the NHS website.
Bonding with your baby
Some parents bond with their baby immediately, while others find it takes more time. Some women fall in love with their babies from the moment of birth, and some women find that their love grows slowly over the first few weeks as they get to know and care for their baby. Both are normal.
If you’re finding it difficult to bond with your baby, feel sad, hopeless, guilty or extremely anxious all the time for weeks or months after you’ve had a baby it could be a sign of anxiety or depression. This can be treated with the right care and support, and most women will make a full recovery. Talk to your midwife, health visitor or GP about how you feel. They can help you get the best support for how you’re feeling.
Find out more on the Tommy's website.
The period from conception to the age of 2 is an important time for child development, and experiences during this time can influence the rest of a child’s life. Relationships between dads and their children matter from pregnancy onwards. Dads who are affectionate, supportive, and involved make a huge impact on their child’s brain, speech, and social development, and can positively influence their child’s social, academic, and economic wellbeing. Dads play a crucial role in supporting the health and wellbeing of mums. Close bonds between dads and their children are linked to positive outcomes for dads themselves, who are happier, healthier, have fewer mental health problems, and are more productive at work. Dads who are supportive of breastfeeding help mothers to feel more confident and likely to succeed at breastfeeding.
Top tips for dads to get involved:
- talk and communicate with your baby throughout pregnancy and beyond
- have plenty of skin-to-skin contact with your new baby
- get involved in all the care your baby needs
- spend time playing with your baby, responding to your baby, and letting your baby respond to you
Mum and baby app - Dad pad.
Changes to relationships with partners
Having a baby is a wonderfully exciting time but it can also present some challenges to your relationship with your partner. You’re tired, stressed and overwhelmed whilst trying to adjust to new roles as parents. Finding time for each other is really important. Try to set aside some “us” time daily or at least a few times a week when you can really listen and talk to each other. It’s really important that you can tell each other how you feel. Notice how your baby responds when you and your partner are feeling tense or arguing with each other, repeated low levels of conflict are known to be damaging to a baby. Find out more about reducing conflict.
Find out more from the Institute of Health Visiting.
Realistic expectations of becoming parents
With stories and advice from those around us, along with social media, many parents feel pressure to be a perfect parent and live up to unrealistic expectations. Remember that, in reality, things may be very different and what’s normal will differ for everyone.
Healthy lifestyles
It is important for all the family to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating well, staying active and reducing stress. This section signposts you to helpful information on how to keep your body and mind healthy. During pregnancy you should eat a balanced diet that supports the healthy growth and development of your baby therefore it is not advised to adopt extreme diets that significantly reduce intake of certain food groups. Find out more about staying healthy.
Find out more about keeping well in pregnancy.
You may need some new equipment when you have a baby but there are also some items that are not recommended for safety reasons. Please be mindful that social media influencers are paid to promote many items and some of these may not be safe for babies.
Stay clear of:
- sleep positioners
- sleep pods
- cot bumpers
- duvets and pillows
- head positioners
Find out more from The Lullaby Trust.
Find out more about what you'll need for your baby on the NHS website.
Web page links to all hospital’s maternity services
You may choose to have your baby at home or at one of our local hospitals. It is a good idea to familiarise yourself with the hospital where you book to have your antenatal care.
- United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
- North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust
- North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Trust
- The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn NHS Trust
How your baby develops throughout pregnancy
You can find out how your baby is developing week by week on the baby centre website.
Vaccinations for mother
Vaccinations are the most effective way to prevent infectious diseases and have been saving babies, children's and adults lives for many years.
They help to protect people against harmful diseases before they come into contact with them.
It is advisable to discuss the different vaccinations offered to you and your child, and their possible side effects, with a health professional such as a health visitor, midwife, practice nurse or GP. Remember that anti-vaccine stories are spread online through social media and are often not based on scientific evidence. Always take advice from your health professional.
Find out more about vaccinations.
The Care Of Next Infant programme is offered to parents who are expecting a baby having already experienced a sudden or unexpected death of a baby. They can receive extra support from their midwife, health visitor and GP.
Find out more at the Lullaby Trust.
Pregnancy and birth classes
The Antenatal Parenting Group is intended for all parents to be and their birthing partner.
This is a six-week programme designed to provide you with information around parent and baby relationships, labour and birth, breastfeeding and caring for your baby.
If you are at least 28 weeks pregnant you can register your interest by completing the online form or contact Children’s Health SPA.
Breastfeeding groups
You do not need to book onto a breastfeeding session and can just attend on the day/time.
Please make sure you are familiar with building safety guidance.
It’s Okay to ask for help – Whether you have been breastfeeding one week or one-year mums may need a helping hand on their breastfeeding journey. These mums from Skegness meet regularly at the breastfeeding group.
Find your nearest breastfeeding group
You and your baby – early days
The first month
How to build a close and loving relationship from the start
- During pregnancy: You are encouraged to relax and take time to talk to your developing baby. You can help your baby's development by stroking your baby bump, talking to your baby and by playing music. This will help to familiarise them with you and your family member's voices.
- At birth: Where possible, your baby will be dried and placed onto your chest to be held in skin to skin contact for as long as you wish. Remember skin to skin contact can be used at any time to calm and soothe your baby.
- In the early days: Keep your baby close to recognise the signs they are hungry or need a cuddle. Responding to these signs will make your baby feel safe and secure. Responding to your baby and their needs for feeding and comfort will help them feel more secure.
Speech and language development
Communicating with your baby while you are pregnant will help with the development of their brain which starts early in pregnancy. Your baby is able to hear from about 16 weeks and will get used to her mother's voice and can also hear her heart beat. Your baby may also 'jump' at loud noises. Communicating with your unborn baby can help to create a bond that can continue to be strengthened when they are born. Babies communicate from birth; they are equipped to interact with adults and are interested in interacting and engaging. Adult interaction reinforces early communication. Language learning is a natural process that is learnt through everyday interaction during nappy changing, bathing, soothing, cuddling and responding to needs.
Your baby starts to understand speech even before they begin to speak. From a very early age, they will be interested in looking at your face and listening to your voice. At about two to four months, your baby will begin to respond to the different tones that you may use. For example, they may cry if you raise your voice or may laugh or gurgle excitedly if you make a word or sound that they find funny. If your baby makes a certain sound or noise, copy the sound or noise and wait for your baby to make another. In this way, you are having a ‘baby conversation’ and teaching the concept of turn-taking.
Always make sure that you are looking at your baby and try not to interrupt. Make sure you use smiling and facial expressions during your ‘baby conversations’.
Copy what your baby says. Share books with your baby.
Read and show your baby books with large, simple, colourful photographs.
Most importantly, have fun with your baby! Playing and experimenting with speech and language from the beginning of your pregnancy journey lays the foundations of your child's communication skills for life.
- Speech and language development from birth to 12 months.
- Speech and language development from 12 to 24 months.
Primary birth visit
The health visitor usually visits you at around the time that the midwife discharges you and your baby – this is normally when the baby is between 10 and 14 days old. Each time you are seen, your health visitor will concentrate a great deal on you and your partner’s health. She will be concerned to know how both of you are feeling and how you are coping with adapting to parenthood. During the visit from your health visitor, they will:
- review any previous health needs or concerns you may have
- offer support and advice about your baby’s development
- continue your baby’s 0 to 19 health record
- assess your wellbeing, offering appropriate support and advice as needed.
- remember this is your visit and your chance to discuss the things that are important to you
Infant feeding
Whichever way you decide to feed your baby, the children's health team are here to support you to make feeding you're baby a special time where you can build a close and loving relationship ensuring they have the best start in life.
Responsive feeding: is about understanding when your baby is showing signs of being hungry. Look out for cues (for example moving their head and mouth around and sucking on their fingers). Remember a newborn baby's tummy is the size of a cherry so it only holds small amounts of milk. Babies may feed up to 12 times in 24 hours and this is normal. Where possible try and limit the number of people feeding your baby as this is a special time for you to bond with your baby.
It is very dangerous to ‘prop feed’ a baby if you are giving your baby milk via a bottle. If more milk flows into the baby’s mouth than they can swallow they could choke or aspirate milk into their lungs which could affect their ability to breathe and may result in death. Using blankets or any soft material to prop feed could result in suffocation. It is advised that you do not use any type of prop feeding device.
First Steps Nutrition offers unbiased, up to date and evidence-based information on formula milks. They also have a range of resources which are free to access and download.
The department of health's Start for Life website also has a wealth of information however you decide to feed your baby.
Common feeding issues with your baby
Tongue tie
Tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) is where the strip of skin connecting the baby's tongue to the bottom of their mouth is shorter than usual. Some babies who have tongue-tie do not seem to be bothered by it. In others, it can restrict the tongue's movement, making it harder to breastfeed. If you are worried that your child has a tongue tie, or if you need feeding support please contact your Midwife, Health Visitor or G.P.
Find out more about tongue tie on the NHS website.
Most infant crying is normal, and many babies will experience some abdominal discomfort as they transition to a milk diet from being inside your womb and this will usually subside. Your health professional can advise you on ways to help manage symptoms. If your otherwise healthy baby cries inconsolably for three or more hours a day, at least three days per week (and it's been happening for thee weeks or more) – it could be caused by colic. Symptoms include:
- intense crying, lasting several hours
- clenched fists, arched back, knees being pulled up to tummy
- red or flushed face when crying
- inconsolable – nothing you do seems to make it better
Please speak to your Midwife, Health Visitor or GP if you are worried about your baby.
Find out more about colic on the NHS website.
Reflux is the medical term for when some of the stomach contents comes back up from the stomach and travels up the oesophagus (tube from the stomach to the mouth). The stomach contents are acidic which can cause irritation and discomfort. This can make your baby vomit or regurgitate milk - they may cry for long periods, arch their backs and refuse feeds. Babies take in large volumes of milk as they are growing rapidly. They have small stomachs and a short oesophagus, meaning that the stomach contents can overspill easily. This is normal and, if a baby is happy, healthy and thriving, they should not require any further intervention other than keeping them upright after feeds.
- baby reflux affects at least four in ten babies and it isn’t usually cause for concern
- usually no tests or treatments are needed
- it tends to start before the baby is eight weeks old
- it can happen a lot – some babies bring up milk six or more times a day
- it normally happens less often as the baby gets older
- it gets better on its own in most babies (nine out of ten) by the time they are one year old.
Please speak to your midwife, health visitor or GP if you are worried about your baby.
Vitamins for baby and mother
Vitamin D is found in certain foods (including oily fish like salmon, sardines, and mackerel; red meat; and some breakfast cereals) but it's hard to get enough from food alone. If you're pregnant or breastfeeding, you should consider taking a vitamin D supplement (containing 10mcg). If your baby is only having breast milk, or less than 500mls formula a day, you should give them a daily vitamin D supplement of 8.5 to 10mcg. It's worth checking if you're entitled to Healthy Start food and vitamin vouchers. If you're not, ask your GP or health visitor where to buy them.
Vaccinations are the most effective way to prevent infectious diseases and have been saving babies, children's and adults lives for many years. They help to protect people against harmful diseases before they come into contact with them. It is advisable to discuss the different vaccinations offered to you and your child, and their possible side effects, with a health professional such as a health visitor, midwife, practice nurse or GP. Remember that anti-vaccine stories are spread online through social media and are often not based on scientific evidence. Always take advice from your health professional.
Find out more about vaccinations in pregnancy.
Find out more about vaccinations for children.
Minor illnesses specific to newborns
Jaundice is a common condition in newborn babies at around two to three days old. It is caused by a build-up of bilirubin in the blood. It can improve without treatment in the first two weeks as a baby's liver becomes more effective at processing bilirubin. However, some babies do require treatment in the first days and weeks of their lives, and some may have prolonged jaundice lasting longer than 14 to 21 days. Your health visitor may notice prolonged jaundice when checking your baby over and could refer you to hospital for further investigation in order to have this treated.
Cradle cap
Cradle cap (Infantile Seborrheic Dermatitis) is a harmless skin condition that’s common in babies. It usually clears up on its own. It often presents itself as greasy, yellow-brown scales and crusting affecting the scalp of new born babies. There may also be a skin rash with redness and scaling. It is not caused by infection, allergy or poor hygiene and is thought to be related to mother’s hormones still in the baby’s circulation. These hormones result in overactive sebaceous glands which release a greasy substance (sebum). This excess sebum causes the old skin cells to stick to the scalp, instead of drying up and falling off. Cradle cap is usually mild and treatment is not usually needed. Try:
- gently wash the baby’s hair and scalp with a baby shampoo
- use a soft brush to loosen and remove the loose skin flakes
- do not pick the scales as this may increase the risk of infection
- soften the scales with baby or vegetable oil (not olive oil) overnight
- if any hair comes out with the scales it will grow back
- after softening the scales overnight, use a soft brush or cloth and gently remove any loose scales and wash the hair with a baby shampoo
If the response to these simple measures is ineffective or there is any doubt about it being cradle cap, or the rash appears to be spreading or infected and has signs such as oozing, crusting, bleeding, then seek medical advice.
Find out more about cradle cap.
Oral thrush
Oral thrush (Pseudomembranous oral candidiasis) affects about 5% of new born babies and increases to 14% at around four weeks old, before decreasing thereafter. Premature babies and those who have had antibiotics or steroid treatments are at an increased risk of an overgrowth of this normally harmless micro-organism. Oral thrush can also be caused by poor hygiene practices when cleaning and sterilising feeding equipment and soothers incorrectly. Many cases of oral thrush are self-limiting and clear up in a few days without the need for treatment.
If thrush is visible but not causing symptoms, an antifungal treatment is not required. However, affected infants who also have symptoms such as fussiness or discomfort, feeding difficulties or weight loss should be prescribed a medicine called an 'antifungal'. If you are breastfeeding your baby, and either you notice your baby has oral thrush or you have symptoms that may show you have thrush in your breasts please speak to your Midwife, Health Visitor or GP or if you are worried you or your baby may have thrush.
Sticky eyes
This is a very common condition in newborn babies and, most of the time, it will look like a discharge from one or both eyes, which may not be due to an infection. If your baby’s whites of the eye remain clear of any redness, but there is a discharge, it is likely to be due to blocked tear ducts. Approximately one in five babies are born with tear ducts that have not fully developed, affecting one or both eyes. It can last for several months. You will normally be advised by your health visitor to just wait and see if the sticky eye improves over time.
If the tear duct is still blocked and continuing to cause a sticky eye by about 12 months of age, see your GP who may refer your baby to an eye specialist. It’s not necessary to go to your local casualty department (Accident and Emergency or A&E) with sticky or watery eyes. Babies can also suffer from conjunctivitis. This is inflammation of the thin layer of tissue that covers the front of the eye. The symptoms are similar to a sticky eye, but the whites of your baby’s eye will be pink or red.
Conjunctivitis in your new born baby can be caused by a blocked tear duct or a bacterial or viral infection - this is known as conjunctivitis. If your child is experiencing any symptoms of discharge, redness or swelling of the eye, please contact your midwife, health visitor or GP.
Find out more about sticky eyes.
Basic care
Changing nappies
When changing your baby's nappy remember that as they get older babies begin to turn over and move about more so ensure they are on a safe surface where they cannot fall or are strapped in if using changing facilities in public. Make sure you have everything to hand so that you do not have to leave your baby unattended. You can use disposable nappies or reusable nappies, cotton wool and warm water or a damp cloth, nappy sacks to dispose of dirty nappies and cotton wool and a barrier cream to prevent nappy rash.
Firstly, wash your hands! Try to keep the room warm as your baby will be undressed at least from the waist down. Undo baby's vest and tuck it up under their back, then remove the soiled nappy and place in a nappy sack. Gently wipe with cotton wool soaked in lukewarm water and when the skin is clean pat it dry. If your baby is a girl, you should wipe from front to back to ensure no germs contaminate the vagina. If your baby is a boy take care to clean around the penis and testicles. Ensure you clean in all babies creases around the legs and groin. You may apply a barrier cream if you wish although only use a liberal amount if doing so. Lift up baby's feet and slide a clean nappy underneath them. Close the front of the nappy onto baby’s tummy and fasten with the tabs at the side. Make sure it is tight enough to prevent leaks but not so tight to be uncomfortable - you should be able to fit a finger between the nappy and baby's tummy. Make sure baby is in a safe place and dispose of the nappy in a bin and wash your hands.
Care of the umbilicus
The umbilical cord will naturally dry up and fall off usually within around 1-2 weeks and your midwife will check it when they routinely check baby. As it dries up it will become hard and turn black. It is okay to bath baby while it is still attached if you ensure it can dry afterwards - simply pat it dry with a clean towel. If you wish to clean around the area you should use cotton wool soaked in lukewarm water and gently pat the area to clean and pat again to dry with a clean towel. It is a good idea to fold baby's nappy down under it to allow air to get to the stump to dry it out and ensure urine does not get onto it from a wet nappy.
As you start to see the cord separate you should leave it to detach by itself and do not pull it. If you are concerned it smells offensive, is bleeding, the base of the cord looks red or inflamed or the cord has not separated by three weeks it is important to seek advice from your health visitor, midwife or GP.
Find out more about caring for the umbilicus.
Sleep – baby
Every day your baby will move through different states of wakefulness and sleepiness. Every baby does this in their own way but learning to recognise your own baby’s pattern will help you to give your baby what they need in a way that helps them to feel cared for and understood by you. Babies’ sleep cycles are much shorter, so they often wake, feel distressed and need comfort from a parent. This can be a very exhausting time for parents. Research shows that infants whose parents respond promptly to their crying learn to settle more quickly in the long term because they feel secure in knowing that their needs will be met.
Most parents know a new baby will affect their sleep, but there are many sleep myths that can lead to anxiety and distress. Some important things to know are:
- in the first few months baby sleep varies greatly; some sleep 8 and others 20 hours in 24
- young babies have no body clock and sleep in short bouts throughout the day and night
- young babies have small stomachs, and will wake every 2-3 hours to be fed
- night-feeds help breastfeeding mums make plenty of milk
- by 3 months some babies (but not all) will skip a night feed and sleep for 5 or so hours
- many babies begin night-waking again at 4-5 months (some never stopped)
- by 5 months about half of all babies may sleep for an 8 hour stretch on some nights
- many babies begin night-waking again at 8-9 months (some never stopped)
- most babies do not begin sleeping all night, every night, until they are a year or older
- by 1 year old a third of babies have never slept for an entire night without waking
All the babies described above are normal and just have different sleep needs. So long as your baby is alert and happy when they are awake, then they are getting enough sleep. Seek advice from a health professional:
- if, by 8-12 weeks, your baby is waking every hour (or less) every night
- if your baby is unhappy following feeds or needs to feed for long periods, at any age
- if you are feeling overwhelmed or have low mood lasting for more than a few weeks
You can contact our Single Point of Access (SPA) on 01522 843000, your child’s GP. If your child has signs of serious illness, contact your GP surgery directly or take them straight to the A&E department of your local hospital.
Find out more about helping your baby to sleep.
Lack of sleep and coping mechanisms
Coping with sleep deprivation as a new parent can be very challenging. It might seem like everyone else’s babies sleep more than yours or you may worry that you are doing something wrong. All babies are different but it is normal for healthy babies to wake during the night in their first few months of life. New-born babies have very small stomachs and will wake at least every two hours to feed.
Find out more about how babies sleep.
Find out more about sleep deprivation.
Crying and baby states
There are six baby states: three awake states (quiet alert, unsettled and crying) and three sleep states (deep sleep, light sleep and drowsy sleep). Babies move from one state to another very quickly and not always in the same order.
Quiet alert:
Light sleep:
All babies cry, and some more than others. Crying is your baby's way of telling you they need comfort and care. Sometimes it's easy to work out what they want, and sometimes it's not. Infant crying is normal and it will stop! Babies start to cry more frequently from around two weeks of age. Comfort methods can sometimes soothe the baby and the crying will stop. Is the baby hungry, tired or in need of a nappy change? It's okay to walk away if you have checked the baby is safe and the crying is getting to you. After a few minutes when you are feeling calm, go back and check on the baby. Never, ever shake or hurt a baby. It can cause lasting brain damage and death.
Find out more about getting to know your baby.
Parents and self-care
Although having a baby is a joyful occasion, it is also life changing and parents need to take care of themselves in order to be in the best health to care for their family. If you feel you or your partner may need help or support with their mental health, there are many health professionals or organisations you can seek help from.
You and your child - moving beyond the early days
Development milestones month by month
How your child plays, learns, speaks, acts, and moves offers important clues about your child’s development. Developmental milestones are things most children can do by a certain age. However, all children develop individually. If you have concerns about your child's development, please speak to your health professional.
- Important milestones: Your baby by two months | CDC
- Important milestones: Your baby by four months | CDC
- Important milestones: Your baby by six months | CDC
- Important milestones: Your baby by nine months | CDC
- Important milestones: Your baby by one year | CDC
6 to 8 week check
The 6 to 8 week review will give you a chance to talk again about some of the things discussed at the New Birth visit. You will really have begun to see the changes in your baby as they start to smile and coo. They will be able to support their own head for a few seconds and are getting more interested in the world around them. You can talk to us about activities you can do with your baby, like tummy time. As your baby becomes more active, and begins to roll and move more, we can give you information about baby safety too.
You may notice your baby is beginning to tell the difference between day and night. You might want to talk about how you can begin to have a pattern for settling baby down to sleep. We know around this time mental health issues can impact the family and we will talk about how you and your partner are feeling during the visit.
8 to 12 month check
When your child is between 8-12months old you will be offered a health review with the Health Visiting team to review your child’s health and development.
All children develop at their own pace and if you have any concerns about your child’s progress, or if your child has any specific health or development needs, you can contact our SPA to arrange to speak to a member of the team for support and advice at any time.
The appointment is offered via a text message link. This will arrive when your baby is around nine months old.
Look out for a text from us and follow the instructions to book your appointment.
When you receive your text remember:
- you will receive a reminder text message three days before your appointment
- you can amend or cancel your appointment online
Starting solids
You can find out about starting solids on the healthy start website.
3 to 4 month top tips groups
We offer advice on how and when to introduce solid foods to your baby, how to care for your child's oral health, healthy behaviours and changes to relationships, accident prevention and minor illnesses. We will contact you to invite you to book a place around the time that your baby is 3-4 months old.
Children's centre services and timetable
Your local children’s centre offers free activities and sessions that you may be interested in for you and your child, from newborn babies up to 5 years old.
Find out more about early years education.
Every baby goes through it! The time when babies get their first primary teeth (milk teeth) varies. A few are born with a tooth already, whilst others have no teeth at one year. Teeth generally start to show when a child is four to nine months old, although every baby develops at their own pace. This is known as 'teething'. Some babies show few signs while others find it more uncomfortable. Some teeth grow with no pain or discomfort at all. At other times you may notice that the gum is sore and red where the tooth is coming through, or that one cheek is flushed. Your baby may dribble, gnaw and chew a lot, or just be fretful. Some people attribute a wide range of symptoms to teething, such as diarrhoea and fever. However, there is no research to prove that these other symptoms are linked. You know your baby best. If their behaviour seems unusual, or their symptoms are severe or causing you concern, talk to your Health Visitor.
When brushing your child's teeth toothpaste needs to contain a minimum of 1,000 ppm of fluoride to be effective (most family toothpaste contains more, check tube). Under 3s should have a smear of family toothpaste, over 3s should be using a pea sized amount. Novelty electric toothbrushes often have large heads that can cause damage in a child's mouth.
Your baby – one year to two and a half years
Development milestones
- Important milestones: Your baby by eighteen months | CDC
- Important milestones: Your baby by two years | CDC
- Important milestones: Your baby by three years | CDC
- Important milestones: Your baby by four years | CDC
- Important milestones: Your baby by five years | CDC
Two and a half years check
When your child is around two and a half years old we will want to see you and your child to discuss how they are developing. We will ask you to complete a questionnaire about your child's development. This will help you to think about the stage your child is at and what you can do to help their development. If you have any concerns about your child’s progress, or if your child has any specific health or development needs, a member of our team can offer further assessment and advice.
Toilet training
Toilet training can be a difficult time, both for children and parents. Making the transition from nappy to the toilet can be challenging, however it's important to remember it’s a developmental skill, not a war. Becoming toilet trained is an interaction of the bladder and bowel becoming physically mature and the child becoming socially aware and motivated. Maturation of the bladder and bowel should be the trigger point for formal toilet training as some children may not show what are considered typical 'readiness signs' and skills for toileting can be worked on from a young age. There is no set age for children becoming toilet trained, most children will develop a mature bladder from around two years of age however this can be different for all children.
Toilet skills can be started from as young as babies being able to sit and can be slowly introduced so it becomes a normal part of the day. Using a structured toilet skills development tool such as 'One Step At A Time' may be useful for all families, but particularly for families who have a child with an additional need. Remember all children are different in learning this new skill, so be patient. It is important that your child is using the toilet by the time they start their reception year at school. Your 0-19 team are happy to support you with toilet training.
Find out more about toilet training children and general toilet training advice.
Speech and language development
Have fun! Playing and experimenting with speech and language lays the foundations of your child's communication skills for life.
Find out more about speech development.
Getting older and school readiness
Find out all about getting ready for school.
Health and wellbeing
It is important for all the family to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating well, staying active and reducing stress. This section signposts you to helpful information on how to keep your body and mind healthy.
Vaccination programme
Vaccinations are the most effective way to prevent infectious diseases and have been saving babies, children's and adults lives for many years. They help to protect people against harmful diseases before they come into contact with them. It is advisable to discuss the different vaccinations offered to you and your child, and their possible side effects, with a health professional such as a health visitor, midwife, practice nurse or GP. Remember that anti-vaccine stories are spread online through social media and are often not based on scientific evidence. Always take advice from your health professional.
- Government advice on COVID vaccinations for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
- NHS COVID vaccine advice
- NHS vaccinations and when to have them
- NHS advice on flu jab in pregnancy
- NHS whooping cough vaccination in pregnancy advice
Mental health
We all need to take care of our mental health and that of our loved ones. Any person of any age and background may suffer at some point in their life with depression, anxiety, mood disorders and many others. If you are concerned about your own or a loved one's mental health you can speak to a health professional, such as a health visitor, midwife or GP, who can signpost you to specialist services.
Find out more about mental health as a new parent with healthwatch.
Maternal mental health
Paternal mental health
Infant mental health
Child and teen mental health
- Mental health foundation - children and young people
- Kooth - boost your wellbeing
- Young minds - a parents' A-Z mental health guide
- Young minds - a guide to camhs
Healthy lifestyles
It is important for all the family to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating well, staying active and reducing stress. This section signposts you to helpful information on how to keep your body and mind healthy. During pregnancy you should eat a balanced diet that supports the healthy growth and development of your baby therefore it is not advised to adopt extreme diets that significantly reduce intake of certain food groups.
Physical activity and healthy eating
- BDA - pregnancy and diet
- NHS - health start scheme
- Tommy's - eating well and staying active
- One You Lincolnshire - health and wellbeing advice
Reducing stress
- Mental health foundation - how to manage and reduce stress
- NHS - mental wellbeing you mind plan quiz
Smoking cessation
There are lots of things to think about regarding safety when you have a baby or young children. Click on the links to see how to prevent accidents in the home, keep safe in the sun and around pets. There is also important safety information about car seats and how to recognise and treat minor illnesses.
- accident prevention
- sun safety
- keeping your baby safe around your pets
- minor illnesses
- car seat safety
Find out more about child safety.
Dental hygiene and oral health
You can start looking after your babies teeth as soon as they emerge from the gums. It is a a good idea to get them used to having their teeth cleaned from a young age and also good for them to have it in their morning and bedtime routines to encourage this as they get older. You can buy toothpaste and toothbrushes specific to children's ages although when baby first gets their teeth it may be gentler to use your finger with a small amount of toothpaste on.
Babies and children should not routinely be given fruit juice, squash or any fizzy drinks as this can cause tooth decay from an early age due to the high levels of sugar and acid that can damage tooth enamel. They should drink only breast milk or formula until 6 months old and then water may be introduced. In order to protect babies teeth, you can use either an open cup or a lidded cup without a valve so that baby learns to sip. They should also continue to drink their usual milk.
Find out more about dental hygiene and how to take care of your baby or toddler's teeth.
Parent infant relationship
Research suggests that sensitive, responsive parenting by both the mother and the father promotes early brain development in your child. It encourages baby’s self-regulation of their emotions and enhances their need for you, what we call 'attachment'.
Sensitive and loving interactions with your baby can also help to develop your love for your baby, what we call your 'bond'. Remember, this can take time to develop. Also, remember that your interactions with your baby only need to be effective a third of the time. And if you feel your baby is not 'in-tune' with you, you can help by recognising which of the six baby states your child is in, and respond appropriately. If you sense that the baby has had too much interaction, allow her to 'reset' her emotional state. If she comes back to the 'alert or awake' state you can try again! We call this 'repairing' an interaction.
Find out more about getting to know your baby.
Minor ailments and illnesses
Every parent or carer wants to know what to do when a child is ill. Most issues your child will experience are part of growing up and are often helped by talking to your Midwife, Health Visitor or local Pharmacist. Almost all babies, toddlers and children will get common childhood illnesses like chickenpox, colds, sore throats and earache. Some of these are easily treated at home with advice from your Pharmacist, your GP or your Health Visitor rather than going to your surgery or A&E. If you find it difficult to contact your doctor or get to the surgery, you can go to 111 online or, for children under 5, call NHS 111 for medical advice, 24 hours a day. If your child has signs of serious illness, contact your GP surgery directly or take them straight to the A&E department of your local hospital.
Find out more about illness and managing a sick child.
You might want to consider downloading the Baby Check app from the Lullaby Trust. Baby Check is designed to help parents decide how ill their baby is. It consists of 19 simple questions about signs and symptoms of illness which parents check for. Each check has a score, and the scores are added up. The higher the total score the sicker the baby is likely to be.
Children's specialist continence service
This service is for children with bladder and bowel conditions.
It is aimed at children between the ages of:
- six months to 19 years for constipation and bowel issues
- from three and a half years for day time wetting
- from five years for night time wetting
It is led by continence specialist nurses, who provide assessment and treatment plans for children who suffer with a range of bladder and bowel conditions.
They work closely with the hospital paediatricians and their team to ensure effective treatment and care planning for the individual child.
Referrals can be accepted from all health professionals in Lincolnshire, including:
- GPs
- health visitors
- children and young people's nurses
Bladder and bowel resources
Constipation and laxatives:
- understanding childhood constipation - a guide for parents and carers
- understanding the management of faecal impaction and constipation - a guide for parents and carers
- the poo in you video explains impaction and constipation
- managing disimpaction and constipation with Macrogol laxatives
- a parent's guide to disimpaction
- how to prepare Macrogol laxatives
- poo nurses video will explain how to use Macrogol
Bladder - daytime wetting:
Bladder - night time wetting:
- talk about bedwetting (Enuresis)
- understanding bedwetting (Enuresis)
- understanding bedwetting in children with Down’s Syndrome and other learning disabilities
Desmopressin for nocturnal enuresis:
Medicines for children patient information leaflets:
Other information leaflets: