Saltfleet Nature Reserve

Saltfleet Nature Reserve is a stretch of unspoilt coastline running from Saltfleet Haven in the South to Howdens Pullover in the North. A nationally important place for wildlife containing large areas of mud and sandflats backed by saltmarsh and sand dunes. The mudflats are home to unique plants such as the edible samphire, sea purslane and sea lavender which form large swathes across the mudflats and helps new saltmarsh develop. The hardy marram grass is a pioneer species which binds the sand, helping the dunes to stabilise. Species such as birds-foot trefoil, yellow wort and pyramidal orchard all grow within the dunes.
Please take extreme care when exploring the saltmarsh, the tide comes in extremely quickly and it is easy to get cut off.
- Two car parks are available – Saltfleet Havenside and Howdens Pullover.
- Dogs must be kept under control at all times.
- No overnight camping or parking