Apply for a petroleum storage certificate

Petrol filling station owners or keepers have responsibilities under the Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014. One of the responsibilities is to obtain a Petroleum Storage Certificate for the dispensing premises. You can find out more on the HSE website.

We are the Petroleum Enforcement Authority (PEA) for all petrol filling station sites, which include retail and non-retail sites that dispense petroleum-spirit, in Lincolnshire. We certify the safe storage and dispensing of petroleum. This protects the public and the environment.

If you are storing or proposing to store petroleum and dispensing activities are taking place on your commercial or retail premises, you must apply for a storage certificate.

By law, you must:

  • Notify PEA, if you store between 30 and 275 litres of petrol
  • have a licence or storage certificate to store more than 275 litres of petrol

Apply for a petroleum storage certificate or licence

If you are storing more than 275 litres at non-workplace premises and you don't have a licence you should apply to your local PEA to obtain a licence. You can store up to 30 litres of petrol at home or at non-workplace premises without informing your local PEA.

If you intend to store petroleum, you as a certified keeper, will be required to complete a risk assessment under the Dangerous Substances & Explosive Atmospheres Regulations (DSEAR) 2002. Further information on completing a DSEAR risk assessment can be found here.

Petroleum certificate fees

The fees and charges payable in respect of applications for the granting of storage certificates under the Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014 can be found within Part 5 of The Health and Safety and Nuclear (Fees) (Amendment) and Gas Safety (Miscellaneous Amendment) Regulations 2024.

In effect from 1 April 2023 – HSE fees 2021.

If you require further information, please contact us at LFR Petrol Licensing  or alternatively call on 01522 553868.

Make a petroleum environmental search request

We provide a service for searching our records, both current and historical, for a charge of £70.

This is the minimum charge for searches, even for those that do not reveal any petroleum related history at the premises.

Should our search reveal a history of petroleum storage at the premises, the completion of an ‘Environmental Survey’ (positive response) will attract an additional fee of £50 (a total of £120). There will also be an additional £10 charge if you choose to pay by invoice.

The information provided by the search is restricted to matters currently known by Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue. Although we hold comprehensive records, it is quite possible that for some solid-filled and very old tanks, we may not hold any records whatsoever. The search will return details held on the history of specific premises in regard to petrol tanks.

Any personal data related to searches are exempt from disclosure by virtue of the Data Protection Act 1998. Some other information may also be exempt, either under FOIA or under the Environmental Information Regulations. The Authority’s databases are related to individual postal addresses. We can only search on a full specific postal address (including post code). We are unable to process an individual search request for large plots of land or multiple buildings that do not contain individual address information.

Please submit a separate search request form for each unit/building address. Failure to do so will result in the search being rejected for resubmission as separate searches.

Please note

Once submitted the request cannot be cancelled. You are liable for the cost of the search as soon as the form has been received by the authority.

Should the address of the location have been changed since the premises were last licensed for the keeping of petrol, our search will prove negative. Should a search be requested for a single location with both current and historic addresses this will be treated as a single search. 

Copies of drawings

If copies of drawings are required an additional fee of £5 is chargeable for each drawing relating to the premises that is attached to an Environmental Survey and submitted electronically, this is to cover the cost of printing and posting. (The applicant will be contacted during the completion of the search and questioned as to whether they require copies of any available drawings).

Please note that Environmental Searches must be submitted prior to 10:00hrs on a normal working day to ensure that the day is counted as the first day of the 20 working days’ time period.

Wherever possible, we will respond by email (and provide a hardcopy if requested). When copies of drawings have been requested, we can only send these by post.


Please note that should you require the invoice to be sent to someone or a company other than the person or company making the initial request we will require written confirmation from that third party that they are happy to undertake the payment of said invoice. The document should be submitted with the initial request.

Submit a search request